Application Procedure non-EU students

Mobility Project Criteria

The ‘Mobility Project’ is a government initiative to create the opportunity for students with a nationality from outside the EU/EEA to receive education in the Netherlands. The Kronenburgh International Business School participates in this project.

The programs involved in the project are at the level of pre-bachelor / pre-university / foundation / EQF level 4. The programs can be described as vocational education. The students stay for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months. These students are at least 18 years old.

The pilot limitions:

A total of 100 students can participate in the pilot per year;
A maximum of 20 students per institution may participate in the pilot annually;
A maximum of 30% of all students have the same nationality.

Every time a student has submitted the necessary documents and is accepted by KIBS, KIBS sends a document to the Dutch government. The government responds with 2 working weeks regarding the acceptance of students for the pilot. The restriction may result in the student being accepted by KIBS but rejected by the government. Therefore, it is important to start the admission process as soon as possible.

If a student is accepted for the project, he can apply for a residence permit to follow these educational programs in the Netherlands.

Legal Residency in The Hague at Kronenburgh International Business School
Student housing in The Hague near Kronenburgh International Business School

How to apply for the mobility project?

1. Submit the application documents on our registration page.

1.1 Students must provide evidence of English proficiency at the minimum level of IELTS 4.5 or equivalent, or previous education in English.

1.2 The student must demonstrate a prior education of at least 4 years of secondary education at the level of EQF 2 or 3.

1.3 The student must demonstrate ambition for a future in business/entrepreneurship (application letter).

1.4 We require proof that the student has the financial resources for housing and subsistence during the course (copy of bank account).

1.5 We require proof that the student has the financial resources for the tuition fees (copy of bank account).

We will inform you about the application assessment within 1 week.

2. We will check the availability in the mobility project and inform you again within 2 weeks.

3. If the assessment is positive, you can start the application procedure for a study residence permit.

3.1 We must receive payment for the administration costs from Kronenburgh: € 250 and for the recidence administration €243 (send an email when you have made both payments) (no refund possible).

3.2 You must apply for biometric identification at a Dutch embassy or consulate in the country of residence. Please inform us by email once the biometric data has been provided.

3.3 Then we need the ‘Antecedents Certificate‘ (send the signed scanned document).

3.4 We want to know whether you are single, married, in a registered partnership, divorced or widow.

3.5 We need the date on which you want to arrive in the Netherlands.

3.6 We need to know in which city you want to collect your residence permit for study (normally in The Hague).

Send us all information by email. Once we have received all this information, Kronenburgh will inform you and send the application for the study residence permit to the government (IND).

4 If the study residence permit is granted, we will inform you and send the tuition invoice. Payments must be made 1 month before the programme starting date (no installments possible). If we do not receive the payment, we will inform the IND and the permit will be revoked again.

5 You will then also receive information about the literature, introduction day, school it-system, etc.

6 For housing see this page. Then register at the city hall as a resident of, for example, The Hague.