Finance your study at Kronenburgh IBS
Would you like to know what the costs are for the full-time programme of your choice at Kronenburgh? Then go to that programme on our website and look under the ‘Investment’ TAB.
Kronenburgh International Business School is a private school and this means that the government does not fund Kronenburgh’s education. However, you can still finance your education with a student grant.
Student grant consists of 4 parts:
– a basic grant,
– a supplementary grant,
– a loan and
– a student travel product.
The basic grant, the student travel product and the supplementary grant become a gift after obtaining a diploma within 10 years. The amount of the basic grant is determined by whether you live at home or not.
The supplementary grant depends on the income of the parents. Is the income such that there is no or less right to a supplementary grant? Then the missing amount can be borrowed. You can also borrow additionally: ‘collegegeld krediet’. The loan can be repaid over 15 years. An interest rate applies.
Calculate your student grant at“. We have already made an example calculation (see below).
If you have any uncertainties or questions, please visit“.
Thanks to government student grant, private international education at Kronenburgh International Business School is also financeable.