(Top) athletes study part-time at Kronenburgh
Are you an enthusiastic (Top) athlete and do you participate in selection programs or are you top sports talent with NOC*NSF status? Then it is often not easy to combine studying and participating in (Top) sports. Then opt for a part-time education at Kronenburgh at MBO or HBO/University level. Then you can start working in the business world after your sports career!
Studying part-time
An MBO (vocational learning) or HBO/University part-time program at Kronenburg offers a lot of room to work on your sports career in addition to studying.
Within a part-time study programme, you go to school one day a week. At Kronenburgh this is an afternoon and then the evening (13.00-20.50). Then you can still exercise in the morning. Or you use the morning to learn a little more and come to our building in The Hague. At Kronenburgh there is part-time education on Tuesday afternoons and evenings and on Thursday afternoons and evenings.
With a part-time course you have fewer hours of lessons. It is therefore absolutely necessary to always participate in the lecture day.
We would like you to come and follow the lectures in our college building in The Hague. Being present during the lecture day is more effective education and you have more interaction with the lecturer and fellow students. But if you your training or competitions abroad, you can participate online via Zoom.
You do your homework in your own time when it suits you, but you must meet the deadlines for each module.
Part-time education falls under adult education. But at Kronenburgh it almost always concerns young adults. The age can therefore vary from 16 to 25 years and sometimes even older. It is precisely this combination of ages that is fun during the lectures, for example when exchanging knowledge and first experiences. Ultimately, the Kronenburgh students have one thing in common: the ambition to achieve goals. Then age difference no longer matters.
Read more about the part-time MBO 4 program and the part-time HBO/University Bachelor’s program below.
MBO 4 part-time training for (top) athletes
MBO 4 is a two-year part-time course recognized by DUO/OCW at Kronenburgh. One year you have lessons on Tuesday and in the other year on Thursday. But it can also be exchanged. Then you first do the subjects of Thursday and the year in the subjects of Tuesday. For example, this might fit better into your schedule. It is also possible to come two days a week. Then you can complete the MBO 4 program in 1 year.
During the training you will also do an internship (Professional Practice Training BPV) within a company; a total of 650 hours for the entire study program (so a total of 650 hours for both the two-year or one-year study programme). You can schedule the internship (in consultation with the BPV company) when it suits you best. For example, during a stop of your sports training.
Within the MBO4 program you can choose from the following fields of study: Marketing, International Business, Entrepreneurship, Commercial, Financial, Secretarial, Legal, Personnel, Intercedent, Real Estate or Bank and Insurance. In short, we train you for a workplace within the business world.
You will not receive a student grant within an MBO 4 part-time programme. You may qualify for a Step budget of €1,000 per year.
The MBO part-time courses are provided by the Kronenburgh Business College. Look here at the study program of your choice and what investment it requires (tuition fees, literature, etc.).
HBO / University Bachelor’s degree part-time for (Top) athletes
The HBO / University bachelor’s part-time program ‘Business and Management’ is also offered on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and evenings. Here you follow the lectures on Tuesday in the first year and the lectures on Thursday in the second year. (Tuesday and Thursday cannot be switched during the bachelor’s programme.)
Again, in both years you will do an internship (internship) within the business community and you will complete an assignment. You can divide the 650 hours over both years.
After successful completion of the first academic year, you will receive the Higher National Certificate HNC. After the second year you will obtain the Higher National Diploma HND. The HNC program is identical for all students. With the HND program you can choose your own pathway (specialization): International Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Procurement and Supply of Law (MER).
The bachelor’s degree lasts 3 to 3.5 years. After the first two years at Kronenburgh, you can follow a top-up bachelor’s program abroad at a university. Then you can choose a university with good facilities that match your sport. It is of course also possible to complete the training part-time at Kronenburgh. Then the Top-up program is offered in collaboration with the University of Essex and Kaplan Open Learning.
With the successful completion of the Top-up program you will obtain a bachelor’s degree. The Bachelor’s program is an international program that is provided under international supervision (so it does not run through Duo/OCW). You will also obtain an International recognized certificate, diploma or degree. You are not eligible for student finance for an international part-time study programme. You can, however, request a ‘Stap Budget of €1,000 per year (only for Dutch Students). This programme is in English.
The HBO/University Bachelor part-time program is provided by the Kronenburgh International Business School. Look here at the study program of your choice and what investment it requires (tuition fees, literature, etc.).