Kronenburgh Education

Structure, Internship, Business Culture, Studytrip

How our education is structured

Two parts in a college year

Every full-time college year consists of a lecture period and an internship period.

How our lecture days are structured

During a lecture day 1 unit is always central throughout the whole day, for example the unit ‘Management Accounting’. This way we can go into depth.

In the morning we focus on the new theory (Think) working college (theory combined with small exercises). In the afternoon we put all theory into practice by making assignments, projects work (Act) supported by the lecturer. We finish with a ‘end-of-day-test (EDT). This way you as well as the Lecturer gets feedback on the individual learning processes. If you work hard, work will be finished at the end of the day and you are free to relax, do sports etc in the evening. At the end of the unit there will be an exam training. This way you are well prepared for the internship (Grow).

The unit assignment and assessment

There also always is an assignment. Here you apply the theory into practice. You will draw your own conclusions and formulate advice with a critical eye. There always is a presentation part within the assignment.

The unit assessment

At the end of the BTEC unit there will be a theoretical exam. The student assignment work + the presentation will be assessed.

Legal Residency in The Hague at Kronenburgh International Business School
Student housing in The Hague near Kronenburgh International Business School

Internship: now for real

The internship is an important part of our education: learning on the job. Again we say THINK – ACT – GROW. You work on clearly defined assignments (BTEC3), a business project (BTEC4) or a research project (BTEC5 and TOP-up).

You can do your Internship with an international working company in The Netherlands or abroad.

Preparing for Business Culture

Time is time, a deal is a deal. These are the primary rules at Kronenburgh.

We see the theoretical lectures as a meeting within the business community (mobile phones are switched off). The chairman (the lecturer) has the floor and expects a contribution from all participants (the students) during the meeting.

The practicum is the moment of the day where you work and learn as an individual or in groups. You deliver quality when performing the tasks that have been assigned to you. If necessary, you seek collaboration with other employees (students) and look for the feedback from your team leader (the lecturer). You receive feedback on the quality of your work every day (end-of-day test), but you also receive a regular review after finishing a job (the unit assessment).

Thursday is business suit day where we finish the day at Plein in The Hague. Also, during business visits, if we welcome external speakers and during assessment presentations, we all wear a business suit.

Student Corps in The Hague near Kronenburgh International Business School
Student sport in The Hague near kronenburgh International Business School

Study trip: building further

For many students, the study trip in the first year, is one of the highlights of the program. The theme is “Teambuilding in Business”. We visit (Dutch) entrepreneurs: What are their experiences being an entrepreneur in another country? We also have some inspiring group activities (team Building).

Students also appreciate the study trip of course because they gain new joint experiences, for example during the “cultural program” which also includes exploring the city in the evening hours.