BTEC level 5 Higher National Diploma HND

The Higher National Diploma (HND) is a two years program. Kronenburgh International Business School in The Hague offers the HND in the broad (international) general business pathway build on BTEC units. So this pathway allows students to complete a Level 5 Higher National Diploma without committing to a particular professional specialism. This offers additional flexibility to to students selecting employers and universities.

What will students gain from the HND program

Holders of the Level 5 Higher National Diploma will have developed a sound understanding of the principles in their field of study and will have learned to apply those principles more widely. They will have learned to evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems. They will be able to perform effectively in their chosen field and will have the qualities necessary for employment in situations requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decision-making.

Legal Residency in The Hague at Kronenburgh International Business School
Student housing in The Hague near Kronenburgh International Business School

Transferable employability skills and academic study skills

Students need both relevant qualifications and employability skills to enhance their career prospects and contribute to their personal development. Higher National business qualifications embed throughout the programme the development of key skills, attributes and strengths required by 21st century employers. Where employability skills are referred to in this specification, this generally refers to skills in five main categories:

  • Cognitive and problem-solving skills: critical thinking, approaching non-routine problems by applying expert and creative solutions, use of systems and digital technology, generating and communicating ideas creatively.
  • Intra-personal skills: self-management, adaptability and resilience, selfmonitoring and self-development, self-analysis and reflection, planning and prioritising.
  • Interpersonal skills: effective communication and articulation of information, working collaboratively, negotiating and influencing, self-presentation.
  • Commercial skills: sector awareness; sales; marketing/promotion; budget management/monitoring.
  • Business skills: awareness of types of companies, company formation, invoicing, calculating fees, business management.

Opportunities for deeper learning

Students can also benefit from opportunities for deeper learning, where they are able to make connections between units and select areas of interest for detailed study. In this way BTEC Higher Nationals provide a vocational context in which students can develop the knowledge and academic study skills required for progression to university degree courses, including:

  • Active research skills
  • Effective writing skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative problem-solving
  • Decision-making
  • Team building
  • Exam preparation skills
  • Digital literacy
  • Competence in assessment methods used in higher education.
Student Corps in The Hague near Kronenburgh International Business School
Student housing in The Hague near Kronenburgh International Business School

How Nuffic values the BTEC programmes

Nuffic is the European organisation that compares the education systems in the different European Countries, see To do this, the European Qualification Framework EQF was developed. The BTEC system is internationally recognised by Nuffic.

Programme BTEC level EQF level Dutch education
Extended Diploma 3 4 MBO4
HNC 4 5 Associate (HBO2 / WO1)
HND 5 5 HBO3 / WO 2
Top-up 6 6 Bachelor HBO4 / WO3

See here for more information about the Nuffic comparison of diploma’s and certifications.